Wednesday, August 29, 2007

For Crying Out Loud

So, for those of you who didn't know, my car has broken down twice on the highway this year. Once on May Long on my way to the cabin, immediately after $1600 worth of work was done to it. That cost me an additional $1400. Then my alternator died, and my battery ended up drained about half way to Brandon, from Winnipeg, on a weekend in June, on my way to my 10 year high school reunion.

So, I get myself to Selkirk last night for our game, late of course. We did end up winning 8-2, however. So we went to BP after that for a bite to eat, as I was starving after not getting the chance to eat before the game. So, I'm driving home, and it's about 10 after 10. Night has fallen. And then, lucky me, a deer darts out at me as I was looking down to check my speedometer, after speeding up where a curve requires you to slow from 100 to 80 km/h. Reaction time for moving my foot from the gas to the brake wasn't fast enough to avoid him or her, and sure enough, there's damage to the front of my car. Every time I walk past, I notice more and more of it. A cracked bumper here, a damaged grill there, and, well, a fairly substantially damaged hood.

Luckily, I have extended insurance which will cover any wildlife damage, thus I won't have to pay any deductable. However, the appointment isn't until next Tuesday. So that creates a dilemma. Do I take the damaged car out onto the highway for the weekend? It's only to Brandon, and perhaps the lake. But what if there's more damage than I can see? Argh. Stupid deer. I just hope I won't have to end up filing a police report.

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