Saturday, December 15, 2007

I should be sleeping, since I work at 10, but I'm not, so I'll write a bit since I haven't in a month!

Sadly, not much new going on. Playing Guitar Hero a lot, though I'm noticing it's much, much more fun at Blaine and Leah's than it is at home by myself, even though I'm better sober!

Speaking of, I'll be playing that a bit tomorrow, at the aforementioned house, thanks to the Nog Party. Hopefully the lactose intolerance won't be too much of an issue with having some egg nog. I'll have to remember my lactose pills, I guess. It was weird at work, talking to all the people who have never even tried egg nog before. Have they been living in caves their whole lives or something? Really! Even the crappy stuff you buy in cartons at the store is tried by most people, or so I thought. Mind you I can't stand that shit.

On a positive note relating to the season, I seem to be completed my Christmas shopping already, and even begun the wrapping portion. One gift a night, and that should get me sorted up until just before the big day. I bought new tree lights, too, since I went to three stores which were all out of replacement bulbs. Besides, nothing wrong with the new LED lights, which use less power, and really, look nicer, too.

Well, I think I'll get myself into bed. Merry Christmas, everyone, since at this rate I'm pretty sure I won't be blogging again before then! hah

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