Friday, November 16, 2007

Can't Sleep

So, I can't sleep, and thus here I am laying in bed tapping away on the good ol' MacBook. Has everyone heard how much more I prefer Mac OS X to Windows? Granted, I haven't used Vista yet, other than for about two minutes.

At least I've got my Bob McCown podcast to listen to. Too bad it's started out about baseball, what a waste of time. Maybe the Simpsons episode that's on tonight will be a good one.

So, we finally won our first co-ed spongee game. And it was dominant, too.

Wow, am I ever a boring guy. Nothing goes on in my life at all.

Can someone tell me what the big draw of Facebook is? I've even tried to get into it, and it's just boring.

So, what's up with that Taser video?!? While the guy was a bit agitated, our national police force REALLY dropped the ball on that one. Is that how things are now? If you can't communicate with someone, you shock them into submission? Those officers should all be charged, let alone suspended without pay. With everything that's gone on with the RCMP, with troubles from the top down, maybe it's time for a total rework of how the force is run.

And I thought this device was supposed to save lives, not take them? Isn't there a way to lower the voltage while making it effective still? Or better yet, maybe we should teach all the police recruits how to use lassos for when lethal force isn't necessary? At least it shouldn't kill, even if it does injure if they're caught by the neck.

And did anyone see the story about the guy in India who married a stray dog? To atone for his stoning of two other dogs, according to Hindu customs, he needed to marry a dog. Marry? God, I hope that doesn't get consummated. *shudder*

What should I get my mom and grandma for Christmas? Any ideas? Please, please, please send them my way. Either a message/comment on here, or on Facebook if you came from there (no need to point out the irony), or MSN/e-mail if you have either of those.

Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep again. Smell like you're worth exploring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Doug.
Sorry you couldn't sleep last night.
Last year for Christmas I gave my mom a magazine subscription. She seemed to really like it. (I got her Canadian Living) There lots of magazines to choose from depending on their interests and hobbies, or just browse the magazine section in the local bookstore. I got the November edition and wraped that up with a little card that explained that the magazine represents a year subscription. Hmmm otherwise... my mom seems to always ask for slippers, not sure why she needs a new pair every year.
Good luck.