Thursday, February 21, 2008

Feeble Attempt

There really isn't much to write today, since I didn't do much. Worked. Went to the store. CRAZY line up at the check outs there today. But the aisles were empty. Even the girl ahead of me in line was talking to me about that. And I was only stopping in for a few things! So, a 35 minute trip to the store later, and I was finally at home.

So, this is my attempt at actually writing in here daily, or close to.

I had an incredibly exciting night afterwards. I sat on my lovely MacBook, and I watched hockey. Wow is Iginla ever an impact player. Even though he had no real offensive chances until his winning goal, just the little things he did along the boards are wonderful to watch. It's like he always comes out of the corner with the puck.

Can someone tell me what the huge deal with Facebook is? It's like all people seem to do online anymore. I'll admit I log in more often than I used to (two or three weeks at a time) but basically all I do is click ignore on all of those applications that come up. So, apologies to anyone who I don't accept those "How you know this person?" deals. It's nothing personal, I just don't care. :)

I guess it's about time to head to bed, seeing as it's closing in on 1 am! Time for some Prime Time Sports with Bob McCown to help get me to sleep.

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