Saturday, December 15, 2007

I should be sleeping, since I work at 10, but I'm not, so I'll write a bit since I haven't in a month!

Sadly, not much new going on. Playing Guitar Hero a lot, though I'm noticing it's much, much more fun at Blaine and Leah's than it is at home by myself, even though I'm better sober!

Speaking of, I'll be playing that a bit tomorrow, at the aforementioned house, thanks to the Nog Party. Hopefully the lactose intolerance won't be too much of an issue with having some egg nog. I'll have to remember my lactose pills, I guess. It was weird at work, talking to all the people who have never even tried egg nog before. Have they been living in caves their whole lives or something? Really! Even the crappy stuff you buy in cartons at the store is tried by most people, or so I thought. Mind you I can't stand that shit.

On a positive note relating to the season, I seem to be completed my Christmas shopping already, and even begun the wrapping portion. One gift a night, and that should get me sorted up until just before the big day. I bought new tree lights, too, since I went to three stores which were all out of replacement bulbs. Besides, nothing wrong with the new LED lights, which use less power, and really, look nicer, too.

Well, I think I'll get myself into bed. Merry Christmas, everyone, since at this rate I'm pretty sure I won't be blogging again before then! hah

Friday, November 16, 2007

Can't Sleep

So, I can't sleep, and thus here I am laying in bed tapping away on the good ol' MacBook. Has everyone heard how much more I prefer Mac OS X to Windows? Granted, I haven't used Vista yet, other than for about two minutes.

At least I've got my Bob McCown podcast to listen to. Too bad it's started out about baseball, what a waste of time. Maybe the Simpsons episode that's on tonight will be a good one.

So, we finally won our first co-ed spongee game. And it was dominant, too.

Wow, am I ever a boring guy. Nothing goes on in my life at all.

Can someone tell me what the big draw of Facebook is? I've even tried to get into it, and it's just boring.

So, what's up with that Taser video?!? While the guy was a bit agitated, our national police force REALLY dropped the ball on that one. Is that how things are now? If you can't communicate with someone, you shock them into submission? Those officers should all be charged, let alone suspended without pay. With everything that's gone on with the RCMP, with troubles from the top down, maybe it's time for a total rework of how the force is run.

And I thought this device was supposed to save lives, not take them? Isn't there a way to lower the voltage while making it effective still? Or better yet, maybe we should teach all the police recruits how to use lassos for when lethal force isn't necessary? At least it shouldn't kill, even if it does injure if they're caught by the neck.

And did anyone see the story about the guy in India who married a stray dog? To atone for his stoning of two other dogs, according to Hindu customs, he needed to marry a dog. Marry? God, I hope that doesn't get consummated. *shudder*

What should I get my mom and grandma for Christmas? Any ideas? Please, please, please send them my way. Either a message/comment on here, or on Facebook if you came from there (no need to point out the irony), or MSN/e-mail if you have either of those.

Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep again. Smell like you're worth exploring!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I probably should have written in here a little more, but, really, there hasn't been a lot go on, so even this probably won't be long.

We'll start with footie. We lost in the semis on penalties. Controlled the match but really had very few attempts at goal. It doesn't count as a loss, technically, just a draw, but it's painful to lose on penalties, no matter what.

Spongee has also started, now. We haven't won yet, but unlike last year, we've been right in every game, and it's just a matter of time before we take away two points.

It's nice to have my car back, too. Though, after driving around the courtesy car I got while it was being fixed, it made me kind of want to buy a new car. haha

I guess that's all for now. Hopefully I'll have more to update people on at some point in the future.

Haha...I just noticed someone actually voted on my poll. That's great. lol Someone tell me who it was!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh, that poll...

The pouring my heart out thing was a joke, why does everyone vote for that? If you know me at all, you know that's not me! I don't pour my heart out to anyone. :)

More News, etc.

So, the car has more damage. After the body shop tore it apart, they found that the fender will also need work. Not the biggest surprise, mind you. So, I'm guessing that my car will be written off, but that still remains to be seen, and MPI sure isn't about to hurry for me, that's for sure.

In other, more positive news, I've got a new job. I'm selling shoes now. :D haha Best part about it, no evenings, straight days. Even though I'll be working Saturdays and the odd Sunday, but that's fine. It's still a job, still income, and I'm a fan of shoes.

I guess that's all for now, this has sat here for 15 minutes and I haven't even come close to finding more to add, so I'll let you all go for now.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Car News and Other Stuff

So, had my car in to be looked at by MPI today. Just under $2400 damage, and it's straddling the line about being a write off. It might be, it might not be. Have to wait and see, there are a few factors, one of which being the shape it's in, which is good for its age (1996), and the mileage is just over 102,000 km, so it's low on that scale. Let's hope there are cheaper used parts around, as that will bring down the costs.

Puts a damper on the fact that we won our game tonight, and finish the season undefeated with 15 wins, 2 draws, and 0 losses. Playoffs are ahead, but not for another couple weeks. I even scored tonight, which means I've scored more than last season.

Played soccer on the weekend, too, in Brandon. Played for Minnedosa, though. Ended up losing in what would be called the quarter finals, I guess. After the last game on Sunday, I went up to the lake, enjoyed the skits that get put on every September Long. Some of them were priceless.

I guess that's about all for now. More to come about the car!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Pics of My Poor Car

Just in case anyone wanted to see the poor damage my car suffered, here's the link to the album on Facebook:

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

For Crying Out Loud

So, for those of you who didn't know, my car has broken down twice on the highway this year. Once on May Long on my way to the cabin, immediately after $1600 worth of work was done to it. That cost me an additional $1400. Then my alternator died, and my battery ended up drained about half way to Brandon, from Winnipeg, on a weekend in June, on my way to my 10 year high school reunion.

So, I get myself to Selkirk last night for our game, late of course. We did end up winning 8-2, however. So we went to BP after that for a bite to eat, as I was starving after not getting the chance to eat before the game. So, I'm driving home, and it's about 10 after 10. Night has fallen. And then, lucky me, a deer darts out at me as I was looking down to check my speedometer, after speeding up where a curve requires you to slow from 100 to 80 km/h. Reaction time for moving my foot from the gas to the brake wasn't fast enough to avoid him or her, and sure enough, there's damage to the front of my car. Every time I walk past, I notice more and more of it. A cracked bumper here, a damaged grill there, and, well, a fairly substantially damaged hood.

Luckily, I have extended insurance which will cover any wildlife damage, thus I won't have to pay any deductable. However, the appointment isn't until next Tuesday. So that creates a dilemma. Do I take the damaged car out onto the highway for the weekend? It's only to Brandon, and perhaps the lake. But what if there's more damage than I can see? Argh. Stupid deer. I just hope I won't have to end up filing a police report.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A New Beginning

So, I had a blog previously on MySpace (you can read it by clicking on that link) that I really haven't bothered with much in the last few months. People read it, shockingly, but I felt it was too much of a chore to bother with MySpace all the time, and the ridiculous amounts of people who want to add you to their lists for whatever reason, even though you have no clue who they are.

No, you're not going to find anything complex on here. I'm not a Lonelygirl15, who will look pretty on camera, nor will I likely end up doing any video blogging at all, unless I really get bored. You'll likely read a lot about the various teams I play for, one of which I'll mention later. You may occasionally hear about my opinion of events happening locally, nationally and internationally. I'll likely occasionally complain about my dating/sex life (ie. lack thereof lol).

So, what's going on in my life? My summer job is soon coming to an end. Need to find another. Bills to pay. I play soccer during the summers, my team, Triumph FC, is in the 3rd Division of the Manitoba Major Soccer League, which is made up mainly of Winnipeg teams, with a few from surrounding communities. However, we won't be in the 3rd Division for long, as we just secured 1st place with a 5-1 win on Friday night (August 24). That means we'll be promoted to the 2nd Division for next season. This is our second straight division title, since we won the 4th Division last year. It's a bit misleading, though, because there was a restructuring of the league over the winter, and a number of teams were moved up along with us to the 3rd Division. We also advanced to the final 16 in the provincial cup, pretty good for a lowly 3rd Division side!

This is Doug C in Winnipeg signing off until next time!