Friday, July 18, 2008


I'm really beginning to wonder what life has in store for me. It seems like everything I planned and hoped for is basically impossible. And now I don't even know if I know what I want. And I don't like how it feels. Do I need a change of direction? Of scenery?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lou's Stag

Oh my...What a night last night.

Well, we started out golfing at 2 pm, at River Oaks. Let me start by saying the treatment, the cost and the course have prompted me to never, ever go anywhere near it again. The table I was at got cut off of alcohol after one drink, simply because one of the guys went up to buy everyone a round. Is that not the biggest joke you'll ever hear? It's a decent course, but you can golf for less at nicer courses in and around the city, so I'll be avoiding it from now on.

Anyway, we had the course marshall come and tell us the "advice" he gave someone who wasn't shooting too well. Told him to "just think about a nice pussy...FULL of hair," which proceeded to be our joke for the rest of the afternoon. That and someone having a cart tip over. And someone busting up a cart.

Typical mayhem ensues with the rest of the night. Obligatory strippers. Father of the groom not allowed into the Pal, which ended up causing a fight outside. So we went to the Silver Heights lounge, which was small, but decent...With good drink prices, too.

We get back to his house, now, and he's forgotten the keys in someone else's truck. So off a couple of them go to get them, but he breaks the door down. Dead bolt still in the frame. It was that moment that made my mind up that I was going to go home and not crash on a couch. I had no interest in being around for him getting in shit for doing that. Especially since I think I may have slightly encouraged him to break the door down.

That was the end of the eventful night, though, as at that point everyone began to show up, and then crash.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's been a while...

I just haven't felt compelled to write in here, for numerous reasons. I almost would feel guilty, then I remembered that Google were a bunch of cunts, and took down my ads for being a "risk." So I can't make money off them for doing nothing. heh But then reading Q's Vegas Blog ( gave me the itch to write here, I guess. Plus, I know how much people have "loved" reading up on my footie club, so I figured I'd update.

Anyway, things are going alright. Don't mind the job most of the time. Footie season is going more or less as planned, as we have won all three league matches so far. Our first round match in the MSA Cup is this Sunday at 5:30, at the Winnipeg Soccer Complex, so feel free to come watch!

It's pretty sad, though, when my life basically consists of going to work, coming home. Especially now with the playoffs being over. At least I'll have footie highlights from the European Championship starting Monday to come home to. But nothing else, it seems.

Hopefully I'll start heading up to the cabin more often soon. Or find a Monday-Friday job so I can spend most of my weekends there. lol Of course, with the horrific gas prices, I may be better just sitting here in Winnipeg and going to the golf course once a week.

Definitely looking forward to Lou and Ang's wedding in July. Of course, maybe not so much if there won't be hotel rooms, which is how it's looking right now. Maybe we'll have to sleep in our cars. lol

Anything I'm missing? Anything you want to know? Ask away.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So, I get home to a message saying I can go see Raine Maida if I want. So I went. It was a pretty good concert. His opening act, some chick, was okay, but her voice never seemed in tune, so I hope it sounds better on her album, which Maida is apparently producing.

Sucks that I have a long day at work tomorrow, but I do! Stupid product meetings after work. At least it's not an 8 am one like this past Saturday!

Not much else to say, I'm pretty boring.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Okay, someone tell me what makes me think I can function on four hours sleep? Pretty stupid of me! Oh well, at least the social was a good time.

So, not much new going on here. I need someone to come along and make my time more exciting. lol

Monday, February 25, 2008


So, it was great of work to pay for a bunch of us to go go-karting last night. Not sure how or when it happened, but sometime last night I ended up bruising the inside of my elbow. Ah well, the go-karting was fun either way.

Now I have a couple days off, and not a whole lot to do! Hopefully something comes up!

I guess I'll go find something to do around here, now, since I haven't typed anything in here for quite some time now!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Oh Lord Won't You Buy Me...

...A Mercedes-Benz. Since when did I talk about Benz, or any German cars for that matter? I thought Google was supposed to put up ads about things that related to my content? Not that I'm complaining, I DO like Mercedes. I'd love to get one...After my Porsche. :D

I know this is boring, but PC brands have two great condiments, I've discovered. If you want to give them a shot, go for it! The first I discovered was "Sweet with Heat" mustard. It's more of an orange tint, and it's very spicy, and great! The second I found this past week, it's curry mayonaise. I absolutely love it on my sandwiches! It will probably be great in any number of other things, too! Why didn't I shop at Stupidstore all these years?

Is there a better TV game show out there than MXC? I can't believe this made it onto the air, but it's just hilarious!

I think I'm more and more becoming a Flames fan. I just love the way they play.

Is there a funnier actor out there right now than Will Ferrell? Just when you think he can't outdo his last movie, he comes out with something that looks even more priceless. Semi Pro actually looks worth seeing, unlike a lot of movies playing right now.

Okay, that's all for my random musings. Perhaps I'll write again before bed. Perhaps not.


So, I decided, and I'm now a supervisor at work. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to really find out in the next few days, I think.

Not much else to say for now, but I figured I'd write that out. Yes, I'm exciting, I know.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

How Do People Do This?

How can any of you write something like this daily? Nothing even happens in my life that makes me write about myself daily. And I don't really keep up on anything enough to be able to write about daily happenings, either.

But, I should at least keep this updated a bit better than I was before. Which was monthly. lol

Well, I didn't win anything on the 6/49 last night, so I'm not rich. lol

I also realize why I don't watch TV. How boring it is! How do all of you people sit and watch it every night?

I guess all of this really makes me atypical. I hardly do anything that everyone else does. Like Facebook, watching TV nightly...Well, that's all I can think of, so maybe I'm not THAT atypical.

Well, I'll come back and write more if something happens to me in the next couple hours.

Feeble Attempt

There really isn't much to write today, since I didn't do much. Worked. Went to the store. CRAZY line up at the check outs there today. But the aisles were empty. Even the girl ahead of me in line was talking to me about that. And I was only stopping in for a few things! So, a 35 minute trip to the store later, and I was finally at home.

So, this is my attempt at actually writing in here daily, or close to.

I had an incredibly exciting night afterwards. I sat on my lovely MacBook, and I watched hockey. Wow is Iginla ever an impact player. Even though he had no real offensive chances until his winning goal, just the little things he did along the boards are wonderful to watch. It's like he always comes out of the corner with the puck.

Can someone tell me what the huge deal with Facebook is? It's like all people seem to do online anymore. I'll admit I log in more often than I used to (two or three weeks at a time) but basically all I do is click ignore on all of those applications that come up. So, apologies to anyone who I don't accept those "How you know this person?" deals. It's nothing personal, I just don't care. :)

I guess it's about time to head to bed, seeing as it's closing in on 1 am! Time for some Prime Time Sports with Bob McCown to help get me to sleep.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life Updates

So, here's what's gone on through February so far:

Work suggested I should become a supervisor. I'm seriously considering it. It doesn't change much, I'll still do the same job, but when the managers aren't there, I'd get paid more, and have to sell less. The downside is I'd have responsibility. lol

Spongee playoffs started last weekend (Feb 9 & 10) and we failed to score a goal in two games. lol It moved us into the C-Side, where we won our next game by default, as the team we were meant to play hadn't showed for their first game of the weekend, and were promptly removed from the tournament.

That meant our playoffs were extended, this time to this past weekend, well this past Sunday. We needed to win our first game in order to play in the C-Side final. What a crazy game it was! We went down 1-0 about 10 minutes in. Really nice play, nice give and go. We ended up tying it on a late power play. Poopsie fed me a great back door pass, which I didn't get a great shot from, but Tyson banged home the rebound. The cheering was incredibly loud, probably mostly out of relief, because we had been snake bitten. No more scoring meant that we had to go to overtime. Jon made some huge saves for us, and we failed to score on our only real good chance of the OT period. And off to the dreaded shoot out. We went to 10 shooters, with me missing a WIDE open cage with the 7th shot. Neil kept us alive, thankfully, and Jon made some huge saves. I happened to shoot 10th, as well, and this time made no mistake, burying it five hole. Again, Jon shut the door and we were off to the C-Side Final! Playing for a free beer!

So in this game, we again go down 1-0, except it was early. They made it 2-0 on a power play goal, the first we allowed all season. Sadly, it was after a fine save by Jon, but the guy shelfed the rebound over his shoulder. Scott takes a feed from me on a 2 on 1 and beats their goalie high glove side to make it 2-1 with about 5 minutes left. Next shift, Lou whacked in the tying goal on a goal mouth scramble. The other team was none to happy about it, but no clue why. They were whiners though, so it was no surprise. So, here we are with a faceoff deep in their zone with 30 seconds left. We win it, get a shot off, but they start clearing it out of the zone. Scott and I end up winning a puck battle along the boards, and Scott dishes the puck to me, while I'm complaining that Scott's leg was being hooked by their player. So I take the puck in, look to see that Tyson is covered, I look back to see if I can drop the puck to Scott, and he just yells "NO!" So we're now inside the final 10 seconds. I don't really see the net, but I think that's a good thing, maybe I can use that screen. So I let it go...

And it dents twine! Four seconds to go, and we've gone up 3-2! FogDuckers are C-Side Champs!

So a few of us head for our free beer, and meet up with a couple other guys at Tavern downtown, since our normal drinking establishment was busy with WWE or some crap.

We then end up playing Guitar Hero and foosball at Blaine's for a few more hours.

And yesterday was Manitoba's first ever Louis Riel Day. A stat holiday to give us a long weekend in February. Louis Riel, for people who don't know, is considered the "father of Manitoba." Of course, he was also hanged for treason.

So, that's all of February, in a nutshell. Oh, I also have actually started to log into Facebook almost daily. Anyone who reads that will probably be shocked. I know I am. Still don't see why people spend hours on it, though.

Everyone in Manitoba stay warm! It's a cold one out there! Be like me, and stay in and watch some hockey! Or download yourself some mp3s (legitimately of course, iTunes is a wonderful spot for that!) and listen to some tunes while doing some housework. Or do all three, which is likely what I'll do tonight!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hockey Blog

Well, I am boring, so I decided to spice things up a bit. Kind of. If you're into hockey at all, check out my new blog. I decided to make my own rumours up! hah Who knows, it could be fun, and any of you are welcome to pass your suggestions along, as well! Please don't take it seriously, regardless. I definitely don't have connections in the hockey world.

So, if you want to, visit it at

If anyone is wondering, spongee is almost over, only one more game until playoffs. We're apparently sitting in second, but this new league is all screwy. Whatever, it's something, at least. And it's only three months until footie season begins!